Friday, June 6, 2008


Friday, June 6, 2008 8:30 am

I just got off the phone with Karin to get more info regarding Sam. Beginning on the way to Barnes yesterday his need for oxygen was increasing. He successively got worse and they have had to put a tube in his chest to drain fluid off of his right lung. They are putting him back on a ventilator. The other issue is they are a bit concerned because the bruise on his brain didn't look terribly bad but his amount of response has been definitely less than they expect. So today they will be doing more scans and test on him. Schuyler is doing okay, but they do know now he has at least 7 breaks in his pelvis. They decided that because his surgery will be so extensive and long they will wait to do it on Monday. They are really in need of your prayers.

While at Barnes, they have already run into a family who also needs your prayers. It is a young family from Philo who have a new daughter 5 wks old. She has a problem with her mitochondria and her prognosis is bad. Her name, I believe is, Raley. Please pray for them, also.

I don't know specifics, but I understand Tom is doing much better and hopefully coming home today. I'll let you know more later


Ragamuffin said...

Dear Robinson and Binion families:

I'm so sorry you're having to pass through this time of sorrow and trial. You are all so much in our prayers that you may feel God's intense love and the Father's arms of love round about you!

In Christ, our Lord and Saviour,

Debbie Oberg

Ragamuffin said...
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Ragamuffin said...

Dear Karin,

Just a note to say you are all in our thoughts and prayers, that the surgeons and other physicians/caregivers might have guidance from the Lord and that you may know His comfort and peace.

I'd like to share this verse from the hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light",

"Lead kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on

Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene: one step enough for me."
Author John Newman

Finally a portion of this hymn, "Lead on, Almighty Lord, Lead on to victory;"

With all our love, in Christ Jesus,
Linda Oberg

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the pain these parents are enduring. I will keep them in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Gaylin and Binion family,

We are holding you and your children in prayer. Please let us know if
there are any ways that we can continue to help your family.

Al and Sara Bailey